Welcome to Kaylen Soriano's author web page!

The author of Curse Entwined & Scourge Rescinded

Curse Entwined

Never replicating another wonderful school year, life shattered and changed, from a perfect academy to a dreary public school. After encountering a class schedule mishap, will her senior year be a graduate's dream, or could it be a horrific ordeal waiting to blossom? As 17-year-old Olivia Barnes attempts to keep a semblance of a normal life, what lies in wait for her in class and on campus is more sinister than she could've imagined. Will she embrace her school's hidden truths or fall prey to its veiled nightmares that have mystified themselves into a new, twisted reality?

Scourge Rescinded

(The Curse Entwined sequel)

After the lake house trip and a pool party gone wrong, the Mythology class is once again challenged with more questions than answers. When a mysterious, dark urn makes its appearance with unusual strength and unknown power, Olivia and her classmates come to fear it, while Guto pursues the mystery of a cursed mirror that has been kept hidden for hundreds of years . . . until now.

About the Author

Kaylen was born and raised in the desert of the Southwestern USA. Growing up, her love for spelling developed into a passion for reading and writing. She successfully achieved her dream by sharing her writing with the world, and her most recent work being the fantasy novel, Scourge Rescinded, the sequel of Curse Entwined. When she's not writing, she enjoys spending time with family, entertaining her cat, gardening, getting fresh air outdoors, and playing video games.

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